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Schorlarships so far

Dollars Raised

Construction and Equipment of a Standard Computer Block in a Secondary School

1. Construction of an 80 feet by 60feet block (including block wall with some inner/administrative rooms with furnishing) N10,000, 000 | Equivalent of USD 20,000

2. Donation/installation of the new block with laboratory equipment and reagents. N8,000,000 | Equivalent USD16,000

3. Purchase and installation of a 10KVA power Generator N3,000,000 | Equivalent of USD 6,000

Total budget: N21,000,000 |  Equivalent of USD 42,000

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Water Sanitation Project

Drilling of water bore hole: USD 10,000
Construction of elevated steel water tank: USD 15,000
Total Budget: USD 25,000

Before and After Project

Refurbishing and Equiping Science Laboratory

The science lab is in Oraeri, Aguata local Government area of Anambra State.

Budget: USD 15,000

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Basic Literacy Project

Sponsorship of school fees and educational materials for 50 indigent secondary school students at USD100 per student: USD5,000
sponsorship of 5 medical students at USD200: 1,000
Provision of 100 chairs and table for two schools: USD 5,000
Provision of writing materials-books, pens, sports wears for 100 children: USD 5,000
Total Budget: USD 16,000

Family Planning Education and Awareness Project)

Community Dialogue on importance of family Planning in 2 communities: USD 8,000
Training of Traditional Birth Attendants in 2 communities: USD 10,000
Total Budget: USD 18,000

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Water Sanitation Project

Drilling of water bore hole: USD 10,000
Construction of elevated steel water tank: USD 15,000
Total Budget: USD 25,000

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